Wisconsin Concealed Carry Video

This video is not legal advice and does not satisfy the training requirements for a Wisconsin CCW permit; it is strictly informational and educational. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the DNR’s online hunter education course as well as for Wisconsin CCW permit holders to use as a refresher. While every effort is made to keep it upated with the most recent legislative changes, parts may become outdated. Please contact an attorney or the Wisconsin Department of Justice for specific legal questions.

Timestamps for Easy Review:

  • 0:03:16 – Legal Use of Force in Self Defense
  • 0:14:36 – Who Can and Can’t Carry/Wisconsin’s Laws
  • 0:20:46 – Where We Can’t Carry
  • 0:30:53 – Where We Can Carry
  • 0:35:08 – What We Can and Can’t Carry
  • 0:38:12 – Carrying on Wisconsin’s Tribal Reservations
  • 0:42:55 – Negligent Storage
  • 0:46:58 – Wisconsin’s Castle Doctrine
  • 0:51:35 – Reciprocity
  • 0:56:43 – Carrying in Illinois
  • 0:58:27 – Law Enforcement Interactions
  • 1:02:28 – CCW Insurance
  • 1:04:47 – How to Sign Up for DNR’s Online Course
  • 1:05:23 – How to Apply for a Wisconsin CCW Permit
  • 1:06:17 – What to Do If Your Application is Denied
  • 1:07:31 – Permit Renewals

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