Category: Ammo

Range Ammo vs Defense Ammo

Range Ammo vs Defense Ammo

The price of ammo has skyrocketed in the past few years due to civil unrest, the pandemic, and Democrats launching an all-out assault on legal gu ...
Anatomy of a Round or Cartridge

Anatomy of a Round or Cartridge

Many people mistakenly call a round or cartridge a bullet. The bullet is actually just a small part; it's the very tip of the round and is what ...
Popular Calibers

Popular Calibers

There are three types of ammo; handgun, rifle, and shotgun. Caliber refers to the size of the round that a firearm can shoot. Generally speaking ...
Buying Ammo

Buying Ammo

Ammunition has become a very hot topic since 2020. Until 2020, the supply was stable and prices remained affordable. There were typical hiccups ...