Mental Training

Mental Training

One of the main differences between first responders (including concealed carriers) and other people is training; we undergo training that other folks don’t so that we can help in the event of an emergency. Whether that’s first aid, firefighting, marksmanship, or crisis management, we spend time preparing for the ‘what ifs’ that life throws our way.

The interesting thing is that once we begin any type of first responder training, our minds are opened up to an entirely different way of thinking. It’s kind of like defensive driving in a way. Our kids who are just along for the ride are only thinking about where we came from and where we’re going. We, on the other hand, are constantly thinking about the ‘what ifs’ – what if the car next to us swerves into our lane? What if the car in front of us slams on the break? What if a tire blows?

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