For those interested in carrying in Wisconsin and the 32 states that honor a Wisconsin permit (or don’t require a permit), our four hour classroom-only Wisconsin concealed carry class is perfect.
In addition to covering the Wisconsin Department of Justice training requirements, our classes help normal, everyday people understand what it means to carry a concealed weapon, how to carry a concealed weapon, and how to protect themselves both physically and legally during and after a deadly self defense incident. There is much more to being a concealed carrier than just understanding the rules and regulations; our class covers what most others don’t.
- Wisconsin CCW laws and regulations
- Restrictions on the use of deadly force
- Concealed carry location restrictions
- Basic pistol operation
- Safe storage
- Firearm care
- Basic self defense principles
- Threat avoidance
- Basic home defense principles
- Protection from post-event legal issues
- CCW mindset
- Preparing for unexpected situations
- Psychological and physiological effects of a violent threat encounter
- Concealment products and techniques on person, in home, and in vehicle
- Weapon retention techniques
- Online resources for further education and training
A Wisconsin CCW permit is valid in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming
For those interested in obtaining additional state permits that require proof of basic pistol handling skills, the six hour live fire version of our classes cover the following hands-on skills in addition to the topics above:
- Safe handling
- Safe practices in shooting, loading, unloading
- Basic firing stances
- Proper aiming techniques
- Clearing firearm malfunctions
This class allows students to apply for a CCW permit for Minnesota as well as a Florida permit which is valid in Florida, New Mexico, and Texas.
All classes are taught by a professionally trained USCCA certified CCW instructor.